Women: How Do I Choose The Best Sanitary Pad For My Periods?

Pragya Shrma
2 min readFeb 25, 2021

Women should pick their period pads or sanitary pads for girls with excessive consideration just as they choose other products. They should make a detailed research to find out the composition of the sanitary pads before trying them. Earlier, women didn’t have too many options, but with the advancements of technology, women have been realizing this fact that they must buy only those brands that help in preventing rashes and chaffing.

Kinds of Sanitary Pads

• Regular pads — When it is a regular pad, then it would offer medium absorbency that is deal for days when women don’t have heavy flow.

• Super pads — These pads propose high absorbency and turn ideal for the heavy days.

• Night pads — These pads tend to be longer and thicker and the additional length proposes higher rate of absorbency for the entire night when the wearer is sleeping. These pads also help the wearer keep covered irrespective of her sleeping position.

• Tampons — When women wear tampons, then they must use a super pad or an overnight pad when they retire to bed and it is considered an excellent idea. However, a woman shouldn’t wear a tampon for lengthy time, like it should be worn for eight hours only as it augments the danger of TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome).

  • Maternity pads — These pads are extra thick and ideal for new mums and some products comprise Aloe Vera for providing the wearer a soothing effect.

Read Also — 10 Facts About Sanitary Pads Every Girl Should Know Now!

Liners turn handy:

• When women are expecting their period.

• When they are towards the finishing of their period.

• For regular use for keeping their undies fresh.



Pragya Shrma

I believe self-care is the key to living a life you love.